Five Blondes

most of the time, at least. Sisters forever.

A Letter to Those of You who Arrived at FiveBlondes via Search Engines December 3, 2007

Firstly, thank you for visiting.  If I knew you were coming I’d have baked a cake.

To the visitor who searched for “where is nudge button scrabulous“: alas, Scrabulous has altered the use of the ‘nudge’.  No longer can you nudge at will; now they make you wait a few days.  Personally I enjoy that feature as I have had up to 12 games on the go at once.  It can be hard to keep up!

For our many visitors who arrive with inquiries on how to keep track of who has visited your Facebook profile page:  I must redirect you to  They note that there is currently only one FB (same initials as FiveBlondes…coincidence? Yeah, prolly) app that tracks who visited your page – and those viisting must also have that app for it to work properly (if at all).  Anyway, it’s called Trazkor, and it doesn’t seem to work.

Looking for Erica Lauren, adult film star?  Well, we have Erica and we have Lauren, but sadly (for you) no Erica Lauren.

Lastly, we have what is perhaps my favorite source of traffic.  Those of you looking for “Lululemon Butt Pics”.  While we do love our Lulu, if there are any pictures of our butts in them, it is not intentional.

So, to all you disappointed visitors I extend my apologies and st the same time I thank you for visiting.  I hope you found something you liked.


Feeling Scrab-U-Lo-Riffic! FiveBlondes + Scrabulous = Love October 4, 2007

So I’ve been watching Scrabulous catch on among my Facebook friends over the past few weeks and months (over 10% of my FB friends have it!) and have been thinking to myself “Oh, seems cool, but I won’t have the time”.   Finally early this week Mom-the-fabric-snob sends me a request to play a game with he.  I thought, ‘why not’, and installed the app (I don’t like to install FB apps generally).

I’m addicted.  It’s amazing.  I love it.  Before this week, Scrabble has always been an occasional family event at my Oma’s house that reminds me of my Opa, who was always up for a game of Scrabble.  Or Rummikub.  Now that would be a great game for a Facebook app (hint, hint).  But I digress – back to Scrabulous.  Playing a casual game game of Scrabble in this format allows you the time to really look for words and make the most of all of your tiles.  I actually played one word that used ALL of my tiles!  GRANOLA – 62 points.  You can play with many friends at a time, no matter where they are! Right now we have a game going on with Leah, Micaela, and I…although Micaela hasn’t made a move yet and Leah and I have made 2.  Time for a friendly nudge.

Another fun part of Scrabulous is that you can play with absolutely anyone, anywhere.  I put out a call for a game with someone random, not necessarily a friend, and am now playing with “Janet C”.  After several moved I wondered to myself, who is Janet C?  Turns out Janet is from Los Angeles.  Pretty neat.

So if you’re looking for a way to spend a little time online and improving  your vocabulary at the same time, try Scrabulous.  Fun in every move – guaranteed!